Sketches of Saints Known & Unknown

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Libros > Arte hindú > Sketches of Saints Known & Unknown
por J.P. Vaswani
Paperback (Edición: 2008)Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN 9788120739987
Tamaño: 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Páginas: 250 (20 B/W Illustrations
Weight of the Book: 300 gms
Precio: Euro 15.25
It has been said that this human birth is god’s greatest gift to us. Most of us hardly every stop to assess the true value of this precious gift. Perhaps many of us are not imagine that we are leading busy full lives, making the best possible use of God’s rare gift.
Have you ever paused to ask yourself the question “Is my life truly rewarding fulfilling and Satisfying? Am I living the life beautiful?”
If this question has crossed your mind even once you are sure to draw inspiration and spiritual substance from Dada J.P. Vaswani’s captivating account of the Lives of Saints.
Dada’s profound admiration love and reverence for these great souls transcends all narrow boundaries of race nationality caste, creed and community. Thus he writs with equal respect for Sadhvi Vasuki and Mother Teresa; Adi Shankara comes alive in these pages as does Father Damien Albert Schweitzer is featured here as is Hasan Darvesh; you will also get to learn about less well known men and women who in Sadhu Vaswani’s words lived a hidden life in the Hidden life in the Hidden one” Most Moving among them all is dada’s Memorable account of the life and teachings of his own gurudev Sadhu Vaswani.
Open the book and start reading from any page you will find yourself blessed inspired and rejuvenated.
Sant Kabir | 1 |
Shankaracharya | 25 |
Father Damien | 42 |
Hassan Darvesh | 53 |
Mother Teresa | 64 |
Ishadassi | 80 |
Albert Schweitzer | 89 |
Sadhvi Vasuki | 101 |
Sahl Darvesh | 114 |
Sant Avvaiyar | 121 |
Sadhu Hiranand | 133 |
Sister Nivedita | 142 |
Swami Rama Lingam | 153 |
Sadhu Vaswani | 165 |
Gurudev Ranade | 193 |
Jose Rizal | 202 |
Shabri | 214 |
Swami Leela Shah | 224 |
Sadna Kasai | 231 |
Zarathustra | 240 |

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