Golden Temple

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Libros > Arte hindú > Golden Temple
por Parm Bakshish Singh , Devinder Kumar Verma, R.K. Ghai & Gursharn Singh
Hardcover (Edición: 1999)Punjabi University Patiala
ISBN 8173805695
Tamaño: 9.6 inch X 6.5 inch
Páginas: 264 (16 Color Illustrations
Weight of the Book: 580 gms
Precio: Euro 22.87
The year 1999 is celebrated all over the world as the tercentenary year of the creation of the Khalsa. The issue in hand of the Punjab past & present journal is a humble tribute to the tenth master. Harmandir Sahib has always remained the source of inspiration and strength for the Sikh community. Throughout the history this holiest of the holy of Sikh shrines had remained the nucleus of Sikh life and faith. It is an integrated complex crystallizing the principle of equality and unity espoused by the panth. Darbar Sahib has served as the principle place of inspiration direction and rallying centre of the Sikhs. It became the chief centre of Sikh inspiration and carried the message of Sikhism far and wide. It is virtually a paradise for those who are interested in transcendental realities of life or the profound truth of human existence. Even during the darkest period of the community when the Sikhs were driven form their holy city and forced to live in the jungles as hunted men with prices on their heads nothing could dim their determination to liberate the golden temple and return to Amritsar.
The fourth Sikh Guru founded the city of Ramdaspur in 1577 A.D. Ramdaspur is now called Amritsar. The construction of the Harmandir popularly called Darbar Sahib most sacred of the Sikh shrines was first completed in 1589 during the pontificate of guru Arjan the fifth Sikh Guru. Guru’s idea to built the place of worship in the middle of the amrit sarovar was in itself and marvelous.
The present structure of the Golden Temple is the result of strenuous efforts undertaken at different times by different persons. Credit for rebuilding of the temple goes to Sikh Sardars of Misl period and particularly to Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia who raised the exquisite building on the site where the original former building was demolished by Ahmad Shah Durrani. Maharaja Ranjit Singh his son Maharaja Kharak Singh and his grandson Kanwar Nao Nihal Singh added to the beauty with exquisite work in gold. Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s reverence to this holy place is explicated from the often visits to the place to pay the homage. Due to the adornment of Harmandir he will be remembered by the posterity to come.
The present volume includes number of research papers and articles by the leading authorities pertaining to the subject. These articles throw light on different aspects of this holy shrine i.e. historical, aesthetic, spiritual, artistic architectural etc. these articles are humble attempts to visualize the glory and magnificence and may be lacking in number of ways to truly comprehenced this abode of God.
We deem it our privilege to record our sense of indebtedness to our worthy vice-Chancellor Prof. J.S. Puar for the help and guidance in the preparation of this volume without whose personal interest the publication of this volume would not have materialized.
Our thanks are also due to Prof. D.N. Pannigrahi for his valuable suggestions regarding edition of the articles Dr. Hazara Singh, Technical Advisor publication Bureau needs special thanks for the early printing execution and presentation of this prestigious publication.
Preface | | v | |
1 | The Golden Lotus of Amritsar | Marguerite Allen | 1 |
2 | Harmandir: An inspiring force of the Sikh struggle for independence (1721-1767) | Bharat Singh | 8 |
3 | Personality, Motivation and Achievements of Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia with special Reference to his contributions to the Golden Temple | Madanjit Kaur | 17 |
4 | Sain Mian Mir Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and Darbar Sahib | Gurcharan Singh | 27 |
5 | Harmandir Sahib During the Misal period | Devinder Kumar Verma | 30 |
6 | The Golden Temple | Jagjiwan Mohan Walia | 34 |
7 | Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Dedication to Harmandir Sahib | Gurubachan Singh Nayyar | 40 |
8 | Darbar Sahib Amritsar and Maharaja Ranjit Singh | Kirpal Singh | 45 |
9 | Harmandir: Its Genesis as the Gurdwara Institution | J.S. Rekhi | 51 |
10 | The Harmandir Sahib – in Historical perspective | M.L. Ahluwalia | 57 |
11 | Harmandir and Around: A morphological Study) | Anand Gauba | 64 |
12 | British efforts to Gain Control of the Golden temple 1844-63 | Navtej Singh | 71 |
13 | Shri Harmandir Sahib in the European travel Literature Early 19th Century | Kulwinder Singh Bajwa | 76 |
14 | Harmandir Sahib; Tank Temple Complex in Bengali writings | Himadri Banerjee | 83 |
15 | Handle with great care: British Actions towards the Sikhs and the Golden Temple in the Last half of the 19th century | Ian J. Kerr | 87 |
16 | A Critique of Ian J. Kerr’s Study of British Relations with the golden Temple 1849-90 | Nazer Singh | 100 |
17 | The Jalau in the golden Temple | Gursharan Singh | 109 |
18 | The Harmandir and Maharaja Ranjit Singh | Madanjit Kaur | 115 |
19 | Golden Temple Symbol of Piety and Heroism | Ganda Singh | 120 |
20 | Granth Sahib in Harmandir | Harbans Singh | 127 |
21 | Establishment o the Golden Temple as envisaged in Guru ki Bani | Pritam Singh Safeer | 131 |
22 | Darbar Sahib – The Focal Point of the Sikh faith | Gurdarshan Singh Dhillon | 135 |
23 | The golden Temple Its Theo-political status | Kapur Singh | 144 |
24 | Where spiritual ambrosia flows: explicating the spirit and form of the Golden Temple | Satish K. Kappor | 160 |
25 | Guru Nanak Hinduism and Islam | W. Owen Cole | 171 |
26 | The City of Golden Temple according to Guru Arjan | Surjeet Hans | 179 |
27 | The House of Nanak and Its Relevance to Modern Times | Gopal Singh | 185 |
28 | The Concept of Sangat and Pangat | G.S. Deol | 199 |
29 | Holiness of Harmandir Sahib | Satish K. Kapoor | 204 |
30 | Art and Architecture of the Golden Temple | Madanjit kaur | 212 |
31 | The Glorious architect of Harmandir | Wazir Singh | 224 |
32 | The Golden Temple: A Synthesis of styles | D.S. Bhui | 231 |
33 | The Golden Temple: A Spiritual marvel in Architecture | S.S. Bhatti | 235 |
34 | Darshani Gate and its portals (The Golden Temple Amritsar) | P.S. Arshi | 243 |
35 | Select Chronology of Harmandir Sahib | D.K. Verma | 249 |
36 | Select Bibliography of Harmandir Sahib | D.K. Verma | 251 |

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