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sábado, 9 de julio de 2011

Reflections and Variations on The Mahabharata


Reflections and Variations on The Mahabharata

Reflections and Variations on The Mahabharata
Código del Artículo: NAC190

por TRS. Sharma

Paperback (Edición: 2009)

Sahitya Akademi
ISBN 9788126026715

Tamaño: 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Páginas: 398
Weight of the Book: 510 gms

Precio: Euro 19.06

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Libros > Arte hindú > Reflections and Variations on The Mahabharata

Back of the Book

This volume is a collection of essays that attempts to exemplify the protean nature of Vyasa’s Mahabharata. Vyasa apart from his being both a character and a virtual narrator who manages his narrations through several voices had seemingly many strongly felt moral concerns close to his heart. The essays presented here explore many a vexing question the ethical and the epistemic concerns issues of gender caste and metaphysical evil that the epic raises.

The volume also addresses the question of how each regional language looks upon the epic as a contested site and works out its own form of appropriation its variations in theme plot, and character. The essays trace the interpretive changes made in different versions of the epic in other Indian languages and attempt to contribute to our sense of the epic as something composite made up of multiple texts/contexts and put together under multiple perspectives.

The well focused learned articles of this volume project some of the recent reflections and variations on the ever enigmatic ever-haunting Mahabharata that is deeply interwoven into the culture of the land.

TRS Sharma has taught literatures in English in the Universities of Delhi, Alberta, Annaba (Algeria) and Kakatiya. He was senior Academic fellow and Deputy Director at the American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad (1987-89). His Published works include poetic Style in Robert Frost tale of the Glory- bearer an English verse translation of a medieval Kannada classic Yasodhara carithe by Janna and toward an alternative critical discourse on Indian aesthetics.


Introduction Many Makers Many Texts/ Contexts (TRS Sharma)1
The Human Universal in the Mahabharata (R.N. Dandekar)38
Socio Cultural Milieu of the Mahabharata an age of Change (G C Pande)46
Architectonics of the Mahabharata and the Place of legends in its structure (K. Kunjunni Raja)63
Dvaipayana poet of being and becoming (J L Mehta)70
The Concept of Anrshamsya in the Mahabharata (Mukund Lath)82
Genetic Episode of the Pandavas : Some remarks (S.G. Kantawala)89
Imaging Vengeance Amba and Draupadi in the Mahabharata (Janaki Sreedharan)99
The Concept of Apaddharma and the Moral Dilemma of Politics
in the Mahabharata (Ashok Chousalkar)
The Mahabharata A Reading in Political Structuring (Prafulla Kumar Mohanty)133
Learning in the Labyrinth Irony contingency and the question
of Responsibility in the texts of the Mahabharata (D Venkat Rao)
Why did Bhima wed Hidimba? A Comparative Perspective on
Marriage to the other (Paula Richman)
Whose Mahabharata? A Point of view (Vrinda Nabar)201
Defending the sacred in the age of atrocities on translating
Dharamvir Bharati’ Andha Yug (Alok Bhalla)
The Mahabharata and the Marathi Novel: Textual Strategies (Harishchandra Thorat)237
Buddhadeva Bose’s Reading of the Mahabharata (AMiya Dev)248
Draupadi as interpreted in Assamese Literature (Malinee Goswami)268
Sarala Dasa’s Mahabharata A Supermyth (G K Das)276
Fiction and Reception Reconstructions of the Mahabharata in Malayalam
(P. P. Raveendran)
One story Many texts. Conceptualizing a seed text in epics Retold
(Sreedevi K. Nair)
Kumaravyasa Bharata: A Folk Perspective (Krishnamurthy Hanur)316
“Jhug Jaayen Vaarta Aage Ha” Oral Versions
of the Mahabharata (C. N. Ramchandran)
The Old Konkani Bharata (Rocky V. Miranda)349
Epic Mediations text book and authority
in the organization of the Mahabharata (Arun Mahey)
Notes on contributes 387

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Relatos del Mahabharata -
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El Mahabharata
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Las Glorias del Señor
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Mahabharata Painting.
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mahabharata «
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... Mahabharata by b-OBBY
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El Mahabharata
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"Does The Gita
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The term Mahabharata
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G Bond
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I first read the
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हरे कृष्ण - El
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  1. 7 vídeos


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  2. Lessons from Mahabharata

    ndtv.com23 min - 16 Oct 2009
    Columnist and writer Gurcharan Das talks about his new book 'The Difficulty of Being Good: The Subtle Art of Dharma'.

    dailymotion.com10 min - 1 Ago 2007
    « Maintenant que j'ai vu, ô Krishna, mes parents anxieux de combattre, mes membres se dérobent,mon courage fléchit, mes poils se ...
  4. The Heroes Of Mahabharata - Arjuna's Aim ...

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  7. The Heroes Of Mahabharata - Arjuna's Aim ...

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  8. Mahabharata - Who Spoke Bhagavad Gita? Part 4

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    Watch The Heroes Of Mahabharata - Drona's Commitment - Kids Animated Short Stories. The greatest Indian epics of all time ...

  1. El Mahabharata

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    investigacion religiones
  2. El Mahabharata parte 1

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  5. The Heroes Of Mahabharata - Drona's ...

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